London born Tenor, Thomas Elwin, is rapidly developing a career in opera houses and concert halls across Europe with audiences drawn to his warm lyric voice and engaging performances. Thomas’s recent work has included Gennaro/Lucrezia Borgia and Rodolfo/La Boheme with ETO, Oronte/Alcina with Glyndebourne, Lensky/Eugene Onegin with Opera Holland Park. A graduate of the Royal Academy of Music and the Solti Accademia Bel Canto, Thomas is a current Equilibrium Artist, a Classical Opera associate artist and was recently elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music.

The 2023/24 season will see Thomas debuting the role of Alfredo in a filmed production of La Traviata with Opera Glass Works. He will also be recording his debut recital disc with pianist Lana Bode. In concert Thomas’s season includes Verdi Requiem with the Royal Free Singers, Puccini’s Messe di Gloria with Brighton Festival Chorus, Messiah in Northern Ireland with the Ulster Consort, and Mozart Requiem with the Oxford Philharmonic.


Recent performances include: Mahler 8 at the Cheltenham Festival, Mozart Requiem at the Mozartiana Festival, Gdansk, Sam Kaplan/Street Scene at Oper Koeln, Jaquino/Fidelio and Belmonte/Die Entfuhrung both at the Vorarlberg Landestheater, Ferrando/Cosi Fan Tutte at Oper Stuttgart and with Teatro Barocco in Vienna, Fracasso/La Finte Semplice with Classical Opera Company, Mozart Requiem with Barbara Hannigan and the Munich Philharmonic and a debut BBC Proms appearance with Sofi Jeanin and the City of London Sinfonia.

Thomas began his musical life as a choirboy at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Whilst at St Paul’s Thomas also appeared regularly as a treble soloist, including on Radio 3, Classic FM, at the Royal Festival Hall and Tokyo Opera City. Following graduation from the Opera course of the Royal Academy of Music, Thomas joined the Opera studio at Oper Stuttgart.